Meet Oliver, he is a one and a half year old Great Dane/ Lab mix!  He is 60lbs of pure cuteness! Oliver was brought into the shelter as a stray but his stay was very short.  Bella, our canine trainer, fell in love with him at first sight.  Sine entering the program he has contiuned to impress us with his drive and focus in each training session.  With Oliver's sweet demeanor and willingness to please, we know he will excel in the program and contiune to do great things!

Our Other Dogs

Breed: Great Pyrenees/ Anatolian Shepherd

Facility Placement: Westview Elementary 

Serving: Counseling Department 

Breed: Chocolate Lab

Breed: Great Pyrenees

Facility Placement: Walnut Grove Elementary & Havencroft Elementary

Breed: Goldendoodle

Facility Placement: Rushton Elementary 

Serving: Social Worker

Breed: Weimaraner/Mix

Facility Placement: North Fairview Elementary

Serving: Counseling Department

Breed: Weimaraner/ Mix
Breed: Hound/ Mix
Breed: Shepherd/ Husky Mix