About David
Age: 38
Service Rank: E6
Years of Service: 12
Served in: Iraq
Looking forward to:
Living a normal life again!
Warriors Story:
I grew up in Detroit, Michigan and come from 5 generations of military service, a fact I am very proud of. I have 2 great children. I served in the 82nd Airborne and deployed to Iraq 3 times before I was medically retired. I served as a combat engineer, MP and a rep recruiter. I’ve had a spinal fusion of C4-C5, both shoulders were injured and required surgery and also suffer from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and I want people to know it is possible to live with PTSD & TBI if you set yourself up with the right tools to succeed. I want other veterans to know don’t quit, persevere, don’t stop trying to get help, it will happen it just takes time. I am now starting K9s For Warriors training and I know my new service dog will give me unconditional love, companionship and allow me to go to places and do things I have been avoiding for years.
About Janie:
Janie is a yellow lab mix about two years old. She was found wandering on the beach by Jacksonville Animal Control. Florida Lab Rescue, Jacksonville Division, rescued her from Animal Control, and placed her in their foster/adoption program. Foster mom, Karen Schindler, kept her for a couple of months before Janie was brought to our attention. Janie is very sweet and loveable, and has a lot of energy. She will have wonderful days with the trainer where she just shines. Janie is known as the dog who climbed the oak tree, a memory forever for the volunteers and staff that were there that day.