Derrick and Gabbie take a moment during one of their training sessions to take a picture.Read More >>
Quiet moments like these show how important a service dog is to their soldiers.Read More >>
Gabbie loves showing off some of her great tricks she's learned. In this video she does her "sit pretty" trick for her new soldier Derrick.Read More >>
Fiona and Dennis make great partners. It is easy to tell how much they enjoy each others company.Read More >>
Gabbie receives some much deserved praise from her soldier Derrick during an afternoon training session.Read More >>
Dennis and Fiona take a break during a great training session to enjoy each other's company. It is easy to see the bond they have already formed.Read More >>
Fiona and Dennis work together to learn how to become a team. We could easily see they were off to a great start.Read More >>
Gabbie learns to take her commands from her soldier Derrick. We think they are doing an amazing job!Read More >>
Fiona and Dennis have been paired and together they will start to learn to trust and rely on each other.Read More >>
Gabbie has been paired with her soldier Derrick and together they start their journey.Read More >>