Embedded thumbnail for Larry Meets His Dog
Larry meets his dog for the first time today at K9s. Camo was so excited to finally be paired with a warrior. Camo is ready to get his new life started with his new dad!Read More >>
Embedded thumbnail for Ginger's Inteview Part 2
Ginger shares her plans for what she will be doing when she gets home. She has already arranged for Duke to come to work with her every day and plans to run with him at least twice a week. She also reaches out to those who have PTSD and are seeking help, and discusses how this program could change their lives if it's something they want to commit to.Read More >>
Embedded thumbnail for Stephanie's Interview Part One
Stephanie discusses life before receiving her service canine and how she now feels she's finally back on the right track. Her personality really comes to life in this interview and it show the significant progress she has made over the past three weeks.Read More >>
Embedded thumbnail for Ginger's Inteview Part 1
Ginger talks about her life before joining the program. She describes what it was like living on site for three weeks while completing the program and how welcoming and friendly the environment was.Read More >>
Embedded thumbnail for Graduation Day!
Ginger receives her certification for successfully completing the program. The volunteer's are sad to see Duke go because he was one of their favorites.Read More >>